@daveemane: This is just what I stay away from. I know people who only sell these categories and run a smooth business. Not encouraging anyone to stay away from these categories just my opinions. Clothing and Shoes | Usually impossible to replenish (not always). Every new seller crowds this category. Return rate is the number 1 reason I stay away from this category. Unless you have an insane ROI you will probably lose on a product because of the returns. Beauty | Beauty is a weird one. And up until recently i would not of included it on this list. I have sold my fair share of beauty and cosmetics products but as of late I have been avoiding them. To many competitors, to many fake listings leading to section 3 notices, to hard to purchase at a good price unless its on sale and to many fakes curculating causing issues with listings. Video Games | i know lots of people only sell games. Fantastic during Q4. But your only making money on these if your purchasing from a supplier or from Walmart on sale. And since we are talking about online arbitrage here, your not going to be the only one seeing them on Walmart for sale. Not the worst category, but it is not one i focus on. #amazonfba #amazonfbaforbeginners #sellonamazon #amazonfbatips #sidehustleideas #fyp