@nourishedbynic: DETAILS HERE ⬇️✨ MEAL PREP WEEK 5 As an RD I know how helpful meal prepping can be to make eating healthier easier throughout the week BUT I get bored of eating the same thing everyday (&spending 6 hours prepping food) SO instead of meal prepping I take 1 hour after I get back from the store to do a combination of “ingredient prep” & “meal prep”: MAKE: • 1 x easy breakfast (banana bread oat cups etc.) - enough for 3 days so you don’t get bored • 1-2 x grab and go balanced snack: - No bake chickpea cookie dough bites • 1x protein you can easily add to lunches (make it versatile- something you could add to salads, bowls, wraps etc.) - Crispy buffalo tofu • 1x carbohydrate source to add to meals - Air fryer diced sweet potatoes • properly store your leafy greens to increase their freshness (add a piece of paper towel and store upside down!) • 2-3 chopped fruits & veggies (wash and cut to have ready for easy snacks and additions to salads, stir fry etc.) * choose seasonal options if you can (ie. oranges, grapefruit and cauliflower) * chopped veggie(s) for snacks (as many veggies as you’d like just chop them up paired with a dip (like my Greek yogurt dill dip) for an easy snack) #EasyRecipe #mealideas #mealprepideas #dietitian #healthyprep #healthymealideas #mealprepping