@nico_essig: Dreamy Alt Pop Vocal Sound SSL EQ to Filter the lows pretty heavily going up to 300Hz Citing some more around 350 Adding some high end The vocals will still have enough Warmth especially with all the effects… Compressing with a 4:1 ratio fairly slow attack adding some makeup Gain De Essing Because you have to trying to catch only the sibilance Large PLate reverb 1.8 sec Decay time 150 ms Pre delay High cut filtering to around 10k Large PLate reverb #2 1sec Decay time 30ms Pre delay Ping Pong Delay with a good amount of lows and highs cut 1/2 note s “Studio Tape” Style Adding an extra echoboy to create a slap type delay. 1/16 notes at 120bpm mix 50/50 wet/dry “Distorted” Style going into an imager Adding some distortion for Gritt blended in Air distortion going in a Microshift Creating a low Octave pitch at -12 Formant at -3.2 going into a microshift Automating a Tape Delay going up at the end of each phrases to create a bit of Wobble and textures Creating a delay throw on the end of the phrases 1/2 note delay going in a spring reverb #NewMusic #mixingengineertips #musicproducer #nicoessig #mixing101 #vocalmixingtricks #masteringengineer #vocalchain #popvocals #popvocalchain #harrystylesvocals #protoolstutorials #valhallareverb #echoboy #howtomixvocals #reverb #howtousereverb #reverbed #bedroomproducer vocalchainmixing #lanavocals