@cookingwithcarrrl: Getting a bit Kraft-y with my Souper Bowl Commercial! @kraftsinglesofficial #AD 🍅🥖🧀 . Grilled Cheese Souper Bowl 4 Small Bread Loaves 1 Stick of Butter 1 Head of Roasted Garlic 1 Tbsp. Parmesan 1 Tbsp. Parsley 8 Slices of Kraft Singles American 1 Cup of Tomato Soup Per Bowl . Combine and mix the butter, garlic, armesan, & parsley. Spread the butter in and around each bread bowl. Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes. Remove and add a slice of Kraft Singles to each bread bowl. Return to the oven and bake until cheese has melted. Fill with your favorite soup and enjoy! 🧀🏈🏟️ #SoupBowl #GrilledCheese #BreadBowl #KraftSingles