@milknhoneynutrition: Blood sugar tips and tricks that are actually backed by science to help people with diabetes or any other blood sugar impairments manage blood sugar levels. I know some of these sound too good to be true, but we do have research to support these. (And yes, there is more than the one published study I showed for all of these.) Will they “work” for everyone? No. Is there something wrong with you if they don’t work for you? No. If they dont work for you, does that make them invalid? Also, no. We all have a blood sugar toolbox filled with tools. Different tools work for different people… and different people prefer different tools too…and thats ok. 👍 #milknhoneynutrition #diabetes #bloodsugar #type1 #t1d #type1diabetes #type2 #t2d #type2diabetes #prediabetes #bloodsugarfriendly #greenscreen