@jeeves_ny: This is how a 4th generation dry cleaner cleans a $1,900 Gucci purse. Because of the leather trim, I’m going to have to do this entirely by hand (would be quite easy if I could properly hadn’t wash it). Looks like there’s some kind of brownish food stain at the exterior and quite a bit of makeup on the lining. Here’s how I did it: 1) Tested the brown stain with dry cleaning solvent as the client let us know it was make up. This did nothing so I moved into water based methods. 2) Worked in an enzymatic stain remover in hopes of eating up and removing the brown stain. A few rounds of this and wiping away with a clean towel and water did the trick. 3) I pulled the lining out of then and and treated it with dry cleaning solvent (which is amazing against make up stains). 4) Off camera I sprayed the front with a bit of hydrogen peroxide to brighten it a bit. 6) Finally, I cleaned and conditioned the leather trims. Quite a few steps, just needed some time and came out well 😊 #gucci #guccibag #guccipurse #cleaning #laundry #fashion #expensiveclothes #handclean #handwashing #dryclean #luxury #luxurydrycleaner