@develobaby: A good habit to get into is to roll your baby around slowly and practice tummy time after diaper changes. 🔸Place your baby’s lower arm at about 90° (elbow can be bent). 🔸Roll your baby slowly and gently. 🔸Position your baby’s arms so that the elbows are slightly behind the shoulders (< 3 months) or slightly in front of the shoulders (> 3 months). 🔸Create a “wall” with your hands if your baby is not able to hold their arms in place on their own. 🔸Then wait patiently for the head lift. The baby in the video is four weeks old 🥰 With love, Maria ♥️ . . . . #babyphysiotherapy #changingtable #diaperchange #changingtableexercises #flathead #tummytime #babytip #goodmotorstart #momhack #breastfeeding #infant #newborn # #motordevelopment #babyplay #babymotorskills #babyhack