@lawnsingoodnick: During a heat wave you need to be watering your lawn as early in the morning as possible to avoid water loss to evaporation as the temperature rises 🥵 you should always avoid watering at night as it can promote fungal disease 🦠 In the heat of summer where there is very little relief in the form of cooler days or rain, you should be aiming to water deeply twice a week (for a total of around 25mm), increasing that frequency if your lawn is under stress 👨⚕️ Something I remember tossing up in the early stages of my lawn care journey was whether it was better to drown the lawn pre or post heat wave. I think the best logic here comes in the form of questioning whether you would want to be well hydrated before or after a big run. Guarantee the run would be much more forgiving with plenty of water in your system beforehand!! 💯 but for the record for those 3 or so day super hot spells like we’ve just had in Victoria, a big water on day 1 of the heat wave and the morning after it’s finished is a good way to go 😍 #lawntok #heatwave #lawncare #lawngoals