@techwithbusra: 🌟 With NLP: 🗣️ You can create chatbots: You can develop intelligent chatbots that interact with humans. 📚 Text Analytics: Analyze big data sets to make sense of them and discover trends. 🎙️ You Can Develop Voice Assistants: You can design and develop voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa. 📖 Create Translation Tools: You can facilitate cross-cultural communication by making automatic language translation systems. 💡 You can do Emotion Analysis: You can build systems that can understand and feel the emotional tones in texts. #computerscience #chatbots #nlp #studymotivation #unilife #setup #coding #softwaredeveloper #100dayproject #goals #coder #goal #developerlife #developer #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #coding #codingjourney #codingpower