@gatorchris1: Gator noses! They can seal off their nostrils when they submerge underwater, and hold their breath over 6hrs!! ~~~If you enjoy the video, PLEASE SHARE!! Getting the educational content out there is our best bet to get people to care about and want to help wildlife! ~~~You can come swim with me and Casper! If you want to come join you can book online now, go to www.crocodilechris.com Let me know if you want to go! Observation and photos only at @evergladesoutpost and tour participants are separated from gators by safety fence. Remember all the gators you see me working with are rescue nuisance gators, caught from the wild as big as you see them now! The state kills 7k-8k each year. We volunteer our time to catch & rescue them and bring them to sanctuaries, unpaid. Wetsuit by @cressi1946 #Educational #EducationalVideo #AnimalEducation #EducationalPurposes #glades #southflorida #Miami #glades #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #underwaterphotography #gatortour #underwatergatortour #thingstodoinmiami #subaruambassador #scicomm #conservation #gator #Alligator