The hardest decision is pet owners will ever have to make is listening to your pet tell you it’s time to go. So sorry you are going through this
2024-02-18 01:34:36
Luz! :
my dog broke his spine in a freak accident, we've received judgement for our choice to put him to sleep, but knowing we made the right choice means
2024-02-19 06:45:44
Teagan-Louise Beresford-Peet :
my middle cat passed away June at home, & 4 months later had to make the choice to pts my youngest. hardest choice but she's not suffering now
2024-04-06 16:00:16
Cats for life :
1. Yes you have to answers us correctly cause you asked everyday for help to transport her to U.S and you said that youll never decide for her life,
2024-02-18 01:51:49
Chloe Miles :
That is such a cruel thing to say to someone who has made a very hard decision. Also, it is a gift that we are able to help them pace peacefully 1/2
2024-02-18 04:36:45
Loki & Adri :
is my silence loud enough
2024-02-17 23:06:42
Im_hann :
Coming from a prior vet tech, I am so sorry they had the nerve to comment this. You are a great owner to your dog, they are loved
2024-02-17 23:10:54
Thanos the Great! :
Being able to let her go when you know she’s ready is the most compassionate thing ever! Coming from a vet tech or 20 years! 💔💔💔
2024-02-18 01:06:17
Labradorer :
What you’re doing for Nellie is an act of love! There’s nothing “natural” about letting her suffer in pain & confusion.
2024-02-17 23:38:11
Capit19242 :
My Lily is 14 almost 15. She is getting so tired. She has helped me raise my children&has been the best companion. My heart is being selfish keeping her on earth I can’t fathom life w/o her yet. It’s
2024-02-18 03:31:01
Carrie N :
I’m so very glad my 18yro clearly let me know she was ready to go. I was as able to say goodbye without her suffering 🥺
2024-02-17 23:53:01
keeper_of_void_floof :
1) sometimes a quick dignified death is the kindest thing you can give
2) Commenter clearly never spent a long time around end of life people
2024-02-17 23:14:00
Shawna_L_W :
Absolutely disgusting to allow a pet to suffer. The right thing IS to let them go with dignity and release them from pain.
2024-02-18 01:35:00
Lisey :
Almost 1 year ago that I lost my dog to dementia. The decision to say goodbye wasn’t the easy one, but it was the right one. Hang in there. 💔
2024-02-18 09:44:27
Vet Tech Volumes :
Please do not let people like this deter you from doing the most selfless thing you could possibly do for Nelly. Letting her pass with dignity is so kind of you.
2024-02-18 00:02:09
You’re in a cult. :
Quality of life. I know how hard this must be :(
2024-02-18 03:49:14
Gina :
I'm so sorry. My heart breaks. I went through this October 2022. My girl was 15.5 she had a stroke a possibly a brain tumor. I've been following
2024-02-18 00:11:49
Phoebe :
My girls body was going but her mind was gone. It is the most selfless thing I’ve ever done and also one of the most painful things I’ll ever do
2024-02-17 23:51:56
Dogthropology :
i feel so bad for their pets.
2024-02-17 23:41:05
Claudia, Tar, Tess, Ziva, Kai :
Omg this can't be serious... please don't listen to comments like that. It's already hard enough... Big hug for you ❤❤❤
2024-02-17 23:18:41
MadamHaven&LapėMigla :
Because you don’t want her to suffer!!
2024-02-17 23:08:58
lexnotaluthor :
Litterly I had to be the one to tell my parents they were keeping the dog alive for them and it was selfish. She was put to sleep free of pain with me telling her it was all okay, way better than
2024-02-26 01:09:14
Hookmeharder :
Better a month too early than a day too late! Let them go with dignity and without pain. Never doubt you’ve made the right choice
2024-02-20 10:57:13
Charlotte the GSP :
You gave her a gift it broke your heart, but put hers at peace❤️
2024-02-18 15:47:46
Melinda :
I'm sorry for the cruel comment that person left.
2024-02-18 04:49:41
annieoakleysghost :
I had to make the same decision for the same reason and even with as much pain as I’m in, I know I did the right thing.
2024-02-18 03:39:35
S. :
What a terrible comment. Giving our pets a peaceful passing can be the greatest kindness
2024-02-18 01:41:52
cwailes :
Our greatest responsibility is to care for our pets ~ including difficult life decisions like ‘when’ to help them end. You’re a hero. And this person sucks!!
2024-02-18 00:46:48
Jane doe :
When you have to lift them and keep them balanced to pee, when they’re bleeding out, when they’re hrs away from a spleen rupture, nobody deserves that
2024-02-17 23:56:45
𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕤 :
We owe it to them to die with dignity and as painlessly as possible. I completely support your decision, as painful as it will be for you 💜💜
2024-02-17 23:33:14
Micki Lee :
wow. some people have zero understanding or compassion. you did the best thing for your girl.
2024-02-17 23:23:41
Mick :
Me thinking 2 things: 1 don't react, great job🥰. 2UNDER WICH ROCK ARE YOU LIVING???????
2024-02-17 23:08:49
Sarah Bean Schafer :
To people telling you this.. Have you watched a dog die naturally?? Sometimes it’s in their sleep but sometimes it’s their body shutting down and they are suffering trying to stay with you…
2024-02-19 21:11:35
Samantha Hjalmarson :
As someone who very recently watched my mother get the benefit of Medical Assistance in Dying, it's a fucking blessing to allow a living being—
2024-02-18 16:28:57
Infi :
Also, people often don’t realize that dementia can progress much faster if their life is altered. Moving can make it worse and you’re not psychic.. You wouldn’t know how she’d react until you moved..
2024-02-18 12:47:21
. :
Translates to: please let your dog suffer even though they don’t deserve to.
2024-02-18 12:13:01
brindlebrooklyn :
aint no love like a Christians love for letting living beings suffering 😩
2024-02-18 02:38:53
Lennytheboxer22 RATO SCN SIN :
As someone in the profession, most pets that pass at home are almost always suffering. Thank you for loving her enough to let her pass with peace💜
2024-02-18 02:15:08
Tasha🇬🇧 :
We had to put our dog down in 2020, if not he would of suffered. It's inhumane to let them suffer in pain
2024-02-18 01:45:21
Mrs. Audie Holloway :
You are doing what is right for her. As a pet parent, the greatest gift we can give them is to let them go when they let us know they are ready.
2024-02-18 01:08:18
T & Oliver 🇺🇸🆘🇫🇷 :
Disgusting comment. You’re helping her pass before her QOL is so low that she suffers horribly and loses herself. It’s an act of love and kindness.
2024-02-18 00:26:10
Megan :
You have given her the best life and she deserves nothing less than a humane passing. You know her best. So sorry people are the way they are. ❤️
2024-02-18 00:26:09
Brooke 🇨🇦 :
Kindest thing you can do for them, not sure why someone would want to watch an animal suffer! TY for taking such good care of her ❤️❤️❤️
2024-02-17 23:33:46
Pia & Ora🇩🇰 :
You’re absolutely doing the right thing❤️. I’ve just had to say goodbye and it’s so hard ❤️🩹 helping our dogs to not suffer is a gift and a privilege ❤️🩹 Sending you virtual hugs ❤️
2024-02-17 23:24:39
Charlie :
Honestly it’s so hard to go through this let alone some muppet making comments like that. I hope you’re doing okay. Sending all the love and hugs poss
2024-02-17 23:15:29
Amy Belle :
Had to make this choice last month. It destroyed me. Seeing these comments help so much❤️
2024-02-24 06:58:26
Lexi Ivaska :
As a vet tech I am horrified by some of these comments and the audacity of some people. You loved her her whole life . You knew her best and did right by her
2024-02-20 04:55:27
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