@lanidelmar: "yOu LoOkEd bETtEr BeFoRe" you know what's crazy about that? Is that I think so too. The girl in that first pic was exactly as thin as I've always wanted to be, and you know what else? She was miserable. When she wasn't obsessing over calories and exercise she was partying and self destructing. She wanted nothing out of life but thinness and male validation and she lived her life for nothing else. The girl I am now lives for love and peace and wellness and stillness. I freely eat pasta at 11pm and only drink on special occasions and haven't touched a substance in years. I want nothing out of life but fullness and growth and kindness and friendship and no amount of desire for the body of that girl who was starving could ever take that away from me. So yeah maybe I look better before, and I couldn't give less of a fuck. #beforeandafter #edrecocery #wellness #Fitness #strength #bodypositivity