@wholesome_lee: Do you have an ‘all or nothing’ mentality when it comes to losing weight? Often we swing like a pendulum from one extreme to the other. You’re either on the ‘diet’ and eating super clean and being hypervigilant with what you’re eating, to going all out and not giving a damn about anything and just eating everything and anything. And then you have the guilt creep in and make up for it by telling yourself that you’re going to eat extra clean tomorrow, only for the cycle to continue You’re not broken. You’re just repeating the same cycle over and over and expecting a different result. In believing we have to be ‘perfect we end up actually paralysing ourselves. Your perfection mentality is what is keeping you stuck. Join us this week on the Sweet tooth Boss Podcast as we learn to work our way through an all or nothing mentality and finally find a middle ground that actually feels do-able and helps you see results WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER -How our all or nothing mentality keeps us stuck -Perfection is paralysing -Feeling empowered around not being perfect and how to see results despite being imperfect. -A powerful mindset shift to get you out of the ‘all or nothing’ mentality Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to give it a listen 🥰 #weightlossisamindset #sweettoothboss #allornothing #allotnothingmentality #allornothingweightloss #balance #weightlosslifestyle #cravingshelp #cravingscoach #sweettooth #sweettoothcoach #howtoloseweight #weightlosshelp