@silvioooo16: READ CAPTION for lesson breakdown: (Main Takeaway RISK MANAGEMENT) The golden rule to follow is only risk 1% of you account each trade so let’s say you have a 100k account you only risk 1% each trade which would be 1k. Win Rate: Once you have been trading for a while you will find your win rate for an example if your win rate is 40% that means out of 10 trades you place you win 4. Risk to reward: Now in order for that win rate to make you profitable (40%) you would need a 1:2 to trade a 1:2 Risk to reward. Meaning each trade you place you are aiming to double your money (1k into 2k) Now if your win rate is 40% (You win 4 times out of 10) but your risk to reward is a 1:2 your wins will cover for your losses! Tried to break it down best way possible but comment “FX” and I’ll send you the full recording of our lesson where Daniel’s explains (for free of course 🤝)#newforextrader