@daddymadedinner: Try This Eggplant 🍆 and Beef Kidney combo (aka Rognons in Cameroon 🇨🇲) . There are multiple ways to make Rognons (Beef kidney), but here is the breakdown of my method. . 1. Cut the beef kidney into small bite sizes and brown them with some oil. . 2. Cut the eggplant into small bite sizes and either bake or air fry or deep fry (whichever method you prefer). . 3. Prepare a mix of your favorite aromatic ingredients (I used ginger, garlic, leeks, and onions) and sauté them either with the beef kidney or separate. . 4. Add tomatoes and brown, then deglaze with either water or beef stock (I used water). . 5. Add the eggplant at the very end and cut off the heat. . 6. Enjoy . #Recipe #beefkidney #cameroonfood #rognons