@sarahrav: The sneakiest exam hack of all time! ✅🧠👩🏼🎓💯 - The Hack: SPACED REPETITION 📆 This is a highly effective revision technique where you review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: Say you learn something in class that day. You would then review the content… —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. To take it one step further and make it even MORE effective, you should try to review using Active Recall, especially Practice Questions (eg from the textbook, past year papers). This will help you start perfecting your exam technique EARLY, help you commit the information to long-term memory, and understand the content on a deeper level. So that when it comes to exam season, you won’t even NEED to revise because you’ll know everything!! ✅🏆💯 - #examseason #examhacks #examtips #examready #studytok #studyhacks #studytips