@thehomesteadingrd: 🍗You guys asked to see our meat chicken processing setup, so here is the tour! Processing day is never my favorite, but it is essential if you want to become more self-sufficient and raise your own meat that you KNOW was raised humanely and without any shortcuts. Yes, you can ship them out and pay someone to butcher them for you, but I personally think that taking ownership of the whole process is important and is much less traumatic for the birds. It’s time that we break away from our cushy, protective-bubble modern lifestyle and be okay with getting a bit uncomfortable, don’t you think? Here are the top tools that you’ll need: 🍗Restraining cone 🍗Scalder pot and burner - add a few drops of soap to help the water penetrate! We shoot for 145-150 degrees. 🍗Plucker - our DIY one has been going strong for years! Someday, we might splurge for a fancy drum one 🍗Sharp knife and kitchen fork 🍗Containers with lids - keeps the bees and flies out! 🍗Table to work with kitchen hose handy 🍗Cooler with ice water You can spend a lot on processing equipment if you want, but our setup has been working really well for 9 years now. It doesn’t have to be complicated! If you’d like in-depth information of our processing set-up, plus videos of the actual butchering process (and what to do with all of the parts afterward so that nothing goes to waste), you’re in luck! 🙌🏼 My “Raising Pastured Meat Chickens: From Chick to Drumstick” course is currently ON SALE for a few more days! Click link in my bio to access the course and use my discount code HOMEGROWN24 for 20% off! Let’s do this! 💫
The Homesteading RD
Region: US
Friday 01 March 2024 18:27:17 GMT
mountainhustler :
I’d like very much to see how you use your defeathering tool. Thank you.
2024-03-02 09:58:09
melissaharris729 Melissa :
Would love to c the plucker working :)
2024-03-01 20:43:12
tmariec❤️🤗 :
thanks for sharing, sis.
2025-01-26 14:35:51
Jacqnicole83 :
I wish you could go live to show the cleaning process! I’m wanting to get chickens for eggs and meat🥰
2024-03-01 20:09:36
Whitey :
I would have to spend the money on the plucker lol
2024-03-01 20:04:30
Omar Tito :
my mom taught me how 🥰
2024-03-01 20:34:01
bowhuntr311 :
10-15 birds per batch?
2024-03-04 00:45:54
mommajenn04 :
I can’t wait to start!!
2024-03-01 19:56:36
agreen1998 :
I sent u a message got a few questions on the plucker you made
2024-03-16 23:12:46
ahadow :
I did that a long time please send me new information on how it is done today
2024-03-01 23:34:44
HD_Farm :
I do about 30 year w similar setup, but pluck by hand. Going to 100 this year. How many you doing?
2024-03-01 20:38:27
aron :
where do u get the rubber fingers
2024-03-01 20:12:54
TraumaMamma :
Love the lung trick!!
2024-03-01 23:03:38
Mashala Cross :
I want to think I could do this, but I just don’t know!
2024-03-01 19:50:39
lasontheobald :
you can make a decent plucked out of an old washing machine tub and an electric motor!
2024-03-01 21:01:34
jkov67 :
2024-03-03 07:44:03
Offgrid_prepping :
about how long does it take to pluck a bird with that plucker?
2024-03-01 19:34:42
kodfish :
i was blissfully unaware until now
2024-03-03 18:42:26
Mara Van Beek :
Thank god for my husband. We’re going to do meat birds/rabbits this year and he’ll do all of the processing.
2024-03-03 04:48:12
Tarheel Regulator :
What do you do with the waste
2024-03-03 04:22:51
user2119680095480 :
Nice job! 🤠 keep it simple, people have been making it too complicated
2024-03-03 03:23:21
theJMFR :
that's cool set up
2024-03-01 19:57:12
Barry :
My grandparents did the same. Six cones to hold the hens upside down before the end
2024-03-01 21:21:19
Jen DuMond :
This year is going to be our first year having meat birds. This was super helpful! Thank you!💜
2024-03-02 14:16:38
TO469 :
What else do you feed them
2024-03-07 22:09:01
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