@nicole.astara: 🌼 Synaptic Blooming 🌼 I learned this term recently in my course I’m taking and I am fascinated by it. It refers to the neural growth during the period of conception to about 3 years old. A newborn is born with billions of neurons. Synapses are created from those neurons in part from the experiences and environment of the infant. The number of synapses created is then doubled in a 2-3 year old compared to what an adult will have. The name of this process is as beautiful as it sounds! 🌸 I did a little more research on it and found that more positive experiences reinforce synapses associated with those positive experiences. Love begets love. Care begets care. Attachment begets attachment. The same can be said for negative experiences and will show up adversely in brain development. From 3-5 a child’s brain then goes through a process called synaptic pruning, in which it prunes the synapses that are not being used. This is so unbelievable to me and my interest in infants and children along with neuroscience. Mind-blowing or shall I say mind-blooming? #attachment #synapticblooming #infantdevelopment #synapses #braindevelopment

Nicole DeLorenzo
Nicole DeLorenzo
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Monday 04 March 2024 01:08:37 GMT




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