@mohdyie91: hardware tools sharing useful #toolsthatworkforyou #tools

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Monday 04 March 2024 09:16:40 GMT




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Did you know there has never been a manufactured nuclear power plant in the U.S.? This may soon change, as earlier this month the U.S. passed the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act of 2023, AKA, the ADVANCE Act with overwhelming bi-partisan support. Some of the major points included in this Act are: 1. Streamlined Licensing by accelerating the regulatory approval process for advanced nuclear reactors, supporting existing reactors, and deploying nuclear energy facilities at brownfield and fossil fuel energy sites.  2. It will strengthen the fuel supply chain by empowering the NRC to license accident-tolerant and advanced reactor fuel, which will increase economic competitiveness and reduce our dependence on foreign imports.  3. The Act will also Incentivize and lower costs by reducing licensing fees and by providing prizes and awards for successful deployment of new reactors and technology. 4. Furthermore, it will promote U.S. leadership in global nuclear energy by improving the export of American tech with a focus on nonproliferation. 5. Finally, the act will boost job creation by enabling the NRC to create training and retention programs for the workforce needed to research, develop, build, and operate new and existing facilities.  Overall, the Act will not only bolster the existing nuclear energy fleet and technology, but also provide necessary support and incentives for new advanced technology and microreactors. This will accelerate nuclear development to levels not seen since the 70s and will help make new reactors even safer than before as we transition away from fossil fuels.  What’s more, to date all reactors built within the U.S. have been bespoke, with a great deal of costs arising from unseen complications caused by non-standardized design and construction. This legislation could enable the U.S. to begin manufacturing reactors, which would result in dramatically lower costs in the development and deployment of new reactors.  When build costs are lower, more can be deployed. When energy is cheaper, everything is cheaper. #Energy #NuclearEnergy #CleanEnergy #ADVANCE #ADVANCEACT #NuclearEnergyisCleanEnergy #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #Innovation #Investment
Did you know there has never been a manufactured nuclear power plant in the U.S.? This may soon change, as earlier this month the U.S. passed the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act of 2023, AKA, the ADVANCE Act with overwhelming bi-partisan support. Some of the major points included in this Act are: 1. Streamlined Licensing by accelerating the regulatory approval process for advanced nuclear reactors, supporting existing reactors, and deploying nuclear energy facilities at brownfield and fossil fuel energy sites.  2. It will strengthen the fuel supply chain by empowering the NRC to license accident-tolerant and advanced reactor fuel, which will increase economic competitiveness and reduce our dependence on foreign imports.  3. The Act will also Incentivize and lower costs by reducing licensing fees and by providing prizes and awards for successful deployment of new reactors and technology. 4. Furthermore, it will promote U.S. leadership in global nuclear energy by improving the export of American tech with a focus on nonproliferation. 5. Finally, the act will boost job creation by enabling the NRC to create training and retention programs for the workforce needed to research, develop, build, and operate new and existing facilities.  Overall, the Act will not only bolster the existing nuclear energy fleet and technology, but also provide necessary support and incentives for new advanced technology and microreactors. This will accelerate nuclear development to levels not seen since the 70s and will help make new reactors even safer than before as we transition away from fossil fuels.  What’s more, to date all reactors built within the U.S. have been bespoke, with a great deal of costs arising from unseen complications caused by non-standardized design and construction. This legislation could enable the U.S. to begin manufacturing reactors, which would result in dramatically lower costs in the development and deployment of new reactors.  When build costs are lower, more can be deployed. When energy is cheaper, everything is cheaper. #Energy #NuclearEnergy #CleanEnergy #ADVANCE #ADVANCEACT #NuclearEnergyisCleanEnergy #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #Innovation #Investment
