@arielyu.fit: Close-Grip Lat Pulldown Tips: Thumbs Up Grip: Wrap your thumbs over the handle (not under) for better lat engagement. Wrist Twist: Experiment with a slight wrist twist outward for potential comfort and a more natural pull. Forearm Alignment: Keep your forearms in line with the cable during the pull. Lower Chest Pull: Aim to pull the handle towards your lower chest for deeper lat activation. Slight Lean & Chest Out: Maintain a slight lean back with your chest puffed out for proper form. Controlled Release: Keep elbows slightly bent to maintain lat tension and avoid overextending your shoulders. Core Engaged: Focus on maintaining core tension throughout the movement. #back #backworkout #upperbody #workouttips #gymtipsforbeginners #gymtips #gymrat #gymgirl #fyp #gymmotivation