We’ve been giving so much for so long I think we are tired,they have too much ill will,enjoy creating anger/division,want power.money,land,political voice,it’s their turn to love and give✌️
2024-04-01 08:30:54
Kristy :
Yeah its disgusting but it's a minority. you attract them because they are keyboard warriors.
2024-03-10 04:49:35
N.F.I :
We are blessed to be here and it astounds me that the Aboriginal people and culture still aren’t elevated and respected. The racism in Aust is so toxic💔
2024-03-07 01:38:26
Markus Simpson71 :
these whites have forgotten how all their great explorers and navigators were saved by the black people
2024-03-07 11:08:06
WestCoast23 :
There's a video from yesterday about dehumanising language by @Braden Hill which explains why people think it's acceptable to be like that towards Indigenous Australians. You should check it out
2024-03-07 00:58:28
Nat Alise :
I just got home from Uluṟu. It was although I was in a different world! The Indigenous culture in the Spiritual heart of Australia is respected and loved. So many people wanting to learn.
2024-03-08 23:00:08
Jeff kissubi :
I expect so much each day from some of you for me to then be disappointed
2024-03-07 00:41:52
Naomi :
The hatred is real. I am proud to be aboriginal but sometimes you just want to hide
2024-03-09 02:33:02
leemelee7 :
It’s disgusting what’s worse is they still don’t even think they’re racist
2024-03-07 13:43:59
imunknowable :
It’s crazy how they’ll use our art and culture to make a buck tho
2024-03-07 11:30:49
ri🤍 :
Just another day in the dead dying racist colony
2024-03-07 11:29:06
peterdiamond392 :
it's an ugly country
2024-03-29 09:46:18
celeste 🍉❤️💛🖤 :
I don’t know why so many people just completely hate us and want us gone 🖤💛❤️it breaks my heart a bit more every day
2024-03-08 10:20:29
Kasmina :
Imagine us who live with this racism on a daily basis just bcos we're Aboriginal it's exhausting 😤
2024-03-07 11:06:23
richmondtigerscoolguy :
you're 100% correct
2024-03-22 05:45:29
itztekki :
Australia is one of the most racist countries going and it’s sickening
2024-03-20 07:50:39
K677K :
worst when it is comming from polynesians who would be nothing if they went back to their tiny islands
2024-03-08 00:19:34
Mick :
and its going to get worse
2024-03-11 12:22:59
oldmate96 :
half gay black 👌
2024-03-10 10:37:25
Ajax :
The broken down communities and many of the full bloods &their descendants are rife in alcohol, alcohol violence towards each other &towards their partners. pedofilia is rampant that is fact.
2024-03-09 22:38:10
Deb :
You need to look at it the other way around. It’s them that has caused this.
2024-03-07 11:51:15
Rella :
2024-03-07 11:16:03
user8655288060651 :
Hmmm. It’s not as though indigenous are not continually running whites down, why do you think whites are fed up. Goes both ways mate
2024-03-07 10:35:06
Brent Stanley :
95 percent is on tiktok
2024-06-01 11:34:53
Kes :
$30 billion dollars are given to First Nations every year. What do they do with it? Who gets it? Is it acconted for?
2024-05-14 00:10:32
Crystal _Digitalmama🍉 :
I'm a Maori born in Australia and all I can think is if you knew and understood the beautiful First Nations People's culture you couldn't possibly hold hate in your heart
2024-05-06 04:00:52
nate :
Shuuuuuut tf upppppp pls 🤣
2024-05-02 02:50:41
Steven White :
I’m white & I’m sick of is being generalised & told what I think of people- lumping us all in with the racists.
2024-05-01 16:36:11
Aussie Spirit :
Teach elders/parents to teach children to love instead of teaching children hatred and racsim to get money for nothing and keep blaming white people,stop the cycle
2024-04-01 08:35:02
Jel :
I didn’t realize FN people ( my people) had soooo many haters till I got on Tik Tok plus other nationalities 🤯
2024-03-25 08:31:59
Leonard :
Its only in 1967 that Australian Aborigines got the vote and were classed as flora and fauna,its dark racist history,its like we can’t confront our own historical wrongs ,the truth sets us all free.ok
2024-03-24 01:05:51
Leonard :
We do have a undeniable dark undercurrent of racism in our country,ask Howard and Hanson who exploited this sentiment for domestic political gain,shame on them as people
2024-03-24 00:51:20
Alan Whatling :
White Australian people are under atack from Aboriginal people right now violence home invasions you name it time to fight back now 👍
2024-03-18 09:18:57
Monica Kane :
I believe it’s the unspoken guilt. Rather than own the truth of our history we project out like emotionally redundant children…no healing in that. 💔
2024-03-10 10:25:59
Brad :
And you causing it with your racebaiting , get over it
2024-03-10 05:40:51
Mickey 12321 :
Have a look around and see why? Use the 🧠 before making these videos 💯
2024-03-10 01:54:19
Prinx Perry :
“This country, this country, this country” what country is he talking about?
2024-03-09 23:05:08
Ajax :
there is also racism from full bloods to their half caste mob. they call all half castes yellow fullahs and treat them derogatory.
2024-03-09 22:48:33
Ajax :
And this is what outsiders and the general public see, the negatives outweigh in the open &people are sick of it, sick of the alcohol violence they see amongst first nations peoples. It's not a nice.
2024-03-09 22:46:32
Ajax :
alcoholism on the streets is rife where 1st nations people the ones exiled from their communities due to breaking their rules are drunken, stumbling about &a nuisance to the public.
2024-03-09 22:44:35
Ajax :
Pedofilia has crept into the cultural promised wifes where ancient practise of the elder having a young wife is infiltrated by outsiders who have pedofile intentions, a broken system.
2024-03-09 22:41:47
To see more videos from user @blondejeff, please go to the Tikwm