@efe.var.dar: I had a lot of you asking about my DEJSA lamp. So here are some ideas to elevate your Dejsa; ⭐️Adding a mirror next to your lamp can help fill more space with it! 🙌 ⭐️Using some colored bulbs are such a game changer. I use phillips hue but there are many cheaper alternatives! 🧡 ⭐️Make sure to hide your cables as best as you can, this will give your space a cleaner look. ✨ ⭐️I like placing points of interest around my lamps to make use of the pocket of light, in this setup I have my record player 🎧 ⭐️Cant go wrong with plants of course! 🪴 Hope this helps and feel free to let me know how you style your lamps 😇 #Home #homedecor #cozy #cozyhome #cozyathome #lamp #ikea #dejsa #hue #philips #loft #livingroomdecor