@barefoot___wanderer: Get the recipe 👇🌱 🌾Xanthorrhoea Resin Incense 🌾 I’ll do a longer how to video to show you the process but until then here is the recipe to make your own incense ✨ You’ll need; - Xanthorrhoea Resin (or a different trees resin)🪨 - herbs 🪴 - binder ( I used honey, you can also use water ) 🍯 1. Crush your dried herbs in a grinder 2. Blend resin into a powder 3. Mix both your herb powder and resin powder together and a 2:1 ratio herbs to resin 4. Add in your binder little by little to achieve a dough like consistency 5. Mould your incense mixture into shapes to burn or mould around sticks to burn 6. Leave them to dry for around 7 days depending on your climate Happy creating 🌻✨ #diyincense #howtomakeincense #naturesticks #naturecraft