@irmalaila.id: Jumat Mubarak New Motif 😍

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Friday 08 March 2024 05:26:13 GMT




ys'shoppalu :
Ak uda pnya widya frafe , cakep bnget😍
2024-04-25 16:19:17
user3453009056857 :
semoga Adiba dasty restok lagi
2024-03-14 23:07:46
tr.fairysh15 :
Kak live nya direkam dan ada yg live tuh kak
2024-03-08 10:18:46
🍑 TIAN Taurus ♉ 🇮🇩🇹🇼 :
beli bju ini kain pas live sama yg datang beda bnget
2024-03-14 11:34:35
Diyan Bollo New :
2024-03-27 12:07:47
Nirmalaila2 :
2024-04-30 13:20:20
Farida Afif :
2024-03-21 13:55:52
iis :
2024-03-11 03:07:42
Fheby aulia :
elif hitam abis y ka
2024-03-11 04:44:27
noviicandra :
kak bikin versi polosnya dong 😍
2024-03-09 14:31:10
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Would you win a dance-off with a bear? Imagine a scene where wild beauty meets unexpected behavior. On the serpentine stretches of the Transfăgărășan, known for its dramatic mountain vistas and challenging drives, bears, symbols of Romania’s wild heart, have started performing for snacks. These once-wild creatures pirouette not in the shelter of dense Carpathian forests but by the roadside, seeking treats from tourists. This phenomenon isn’t just a curious spectacle; it’s a poignant indicator of the pressures wildlife faces in a human-dominated landscape. Bears, which typically require large territories and have natural diets, are resorting to dancing—behavior that’s unnatural and distressing for such majestic animals. In Romania, home to Europe’s largest bear population, interactions between humans and bears are increasing, often leading to tragic outcomes for these creatures. The act of feeding wildlife by the roadside alters natural behaviors and can increase dependency and conflict. Is this what coexistence looks like, or are we failing our furry neighbors? Observing a bear stand on its hind legs might momentarily thrill visitors, but at what cost to the bear’s dignity and survival? How do we restore the balance in areas where wild animals and human expansion overlap? These questions linger in the air, heavier than the mist that often shrouds Romania’s highest roads. Video by @__catalin__007 [Transfăgărășan, Romanian Wildlife, Carpathian Mountains, Bear Conservation, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Ethical Tourism, Conservation Efforts, Wildlife Feeding, Ecotourism, Sustainable Travel, Environmental Impact, Wildlife Habituation, Natural Habitats, Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, Nature Conservation, Protected Areas, Ecological Balance, Wildlife Management, Tourist Education] #romania #travel #Transfagarasan #bear #bears #bearsofinstagram #dance #dancechallenge
Would you win a dance-off with a bear? Imagine a scene where wild beauty meets unexpected behavior. On the serpentine stretches of the Transfăgărășan, known for its dramatic mountain vistas and challenging drives, bears, symbols of Romania’s wild heart, have started performing for snacks. These once-wild creatures pirouette not in the shelter of dense Carpathian forests but by the roadside, seeking treats from tourists. This phenomenon isn’t just a curious spectacle; it’s a poignant indicator of the pressures wildlife faces in a human-dominated landscape. Bears, which typically require large territories and have natural diets, are resorting to dancing—behavior that’s unnatural and distressing for such majestic animals. In Romania, home to Europe’s largest bear population, interactions between humans and bears are increasing, often leading to tragic outcomes for these creatures. The act of feeding wildlife by the roadside alters natural behaviors and can increase dependency and conflict. Is this what coexistence looks like, or are we failing our furry neighbors? Observing a bear stand on its hind legs might momentarily thrill visitors, but at what cost to the bear’s dignity and survival? How do we restore the balance in areas where wild animals and human expansion overlap? These questions linger in the air, heavier than the mist that often shrouds Romania’s highest roads. Video by @__catalin__007 [Transfăgărășan, Romanian Wildlife, Carpathian Mountains, Bear Conservation, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Ethical Tourism, Conservation Efforts, Wildlife Feeding, Ecotourism, Sustainable Travel, Environmental Impact, Wildlife Habituation, Natural Habitats, Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, Nature Conservation, Protected Areas, Ecological Balance, Wildlife Management, Tourist Education] #romania #travel #Transfagarasan #bear #bears #bearsofinstagram #dance #dancechallenge
