@spoonmond_: Ultra-processed food bahaya buat kesehatan? Kalau dimakannya berlebihan jelas berbahaya, tapi kalau dimakan secukupnya dalam batas wajar itu gapapa. Semua tergantung dari diri kita yang mengontrol itu semua yaa🤗🤗 #edukasi #edukasikesehatan #ilmupangan #ultraprocessedfood #fyp #kesehatan #bahayamakanankemasan #makanansiapsaji #faktamakanan

Spoonmond - Food Scientist
Spoonmond - Food Scientist
Open In TikTok:
Region: ID
Sunday 10 March 2024 11:30:45 GMT




his icecream :
cara baca nilai gizi kemasan gimana ya kak? kadang bingung.
2024-12-07 12:49:35
ian, :
semua bahaya,JD makan apa ding🥺
2025-02-04 06:29:06
dfion :
Intinya apa aja yg sdh ada di dunia ini kita boleh makan kok yg ptg jgn rakus!!!
2025-02-05 02:26:39
sagitarius. :
hidup dan mati semua d tangan Tuhan.pintar dan bodoh jg dari Tuhan,ada anak org kaya jg bodoh,anak org miskin ad yg pinter,jadi semua serahkan ke pd Tuhan,kita makan apa yg halal aja & jgn banyak mkn.
2025-02-06 09:17:54
galliard3TH :
serba Salah ni Idup 😇
2024-12-09 06:18:19
Ipeeliana :
jadi gimana? makan sayur mentah aja? ga usah di masak?
2024-12-09 23:37:19
Diki H :
berarti untuk meminimalkan bahaya, dalam seminggu itu minimal 2x makan pake lauk yg dimasak biasa kaya telor ceplok/dadar, sayur sop/bayam, lotek/karedok.. aman kali ya ka
2024-11-28 13:05:49
SabinaShop808 :
lieurrrr aku nya apa otak ku yg ga nyampe
2024-12-07 11:08:23
Icih Mamah Raditya A :
haduh.. trus mau makan apa coba. smuanya bahaya🤦
2024-08-12 01:20:10
mama farhan :
anakku ga selera makann kalo ga pake kecap🥺
2025-02-04 09:29:54
Apaya? :
Ka susu uht masuk ke dalam kategori susu kemasan ga sii ?
2024-07-11 10:09:04
@naccaw_ :
Makan real food kek kurang ngenyangin sumpah😂 semenjak tau hamil coba pola hidup sehat dgn makan realfood (bening bayam, ubi kukus, telur rebus, buah dll) ttp aja siangnya beli naspadg, sore baso😂
2024-07-03 07:29:18
nasywah ceria :
makan aja ubi rebus, singkong rebus, lauk sayur asem oake kendi cuman pake nya garem aja sama rempah
2025-01-11 13:48:53
user4023896798587 :
saya rasa ga papa makan asal jangan kelebihan
2025-02-10 09:29:33
jesikabatara :
kalau ank hari"maunya makan telor ceplok,telor rebus telor dadar itu aman gak?
2025-02-07 12:25:00
FiaPi :
kalau rayko atau makaso masuk upf gak?
2025-02-10 15:51:28
+。:.゚ť𝑖@𝒶𝖏𝒶\ (•◡•) / :
kak anakku tiap hari konsumsi susu kotak rasa plain apakah bahaya?
2025-02-06 02:50:35
HM :
makan nasi putih aja biar aman
2025-02-06 03:33:19
susu murni kemasan masuk upf ga? kan ga ada tambahan bhn kimia
2025-01-11 07:03:47
Whysoserious :
kalo susu kemasan diminum sehari sekali aman kah kak?
2025-02-08 23:40:23
Tyara :
Saran juga kak makanan apa yg ga UPF. biar ada solusi nya😭 bisa bisa kurus kerempeng :)
2025-02-05 13:13:03
Cuddleme Pekalongan :
kalo minum susu uht juga upf kak?
2025-02-04 22:12:35
Thingstrovertstore :
Bestaaaaaaa ❤️
2025-02-08 01:02:06
Shindu fashion :
tubuh it jg perlu MSG jg Kaka...yg penting jgn berlebih
2025-02-07 07:59:04
waroengPalugada :
semuanya yg dia sebut semuanya yg gw demen.apalagi baso😩
2025-02-06 13:46:27
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Hey there! 🌟 First off, hats off to you for navigating the world of health and wellness! It’s no small feat, especially when you’re juggling everything else life throws your way. Now, if you’re someone who’s been round and round the diet and exercise carousel without seeing the results you’re hoping for, know that you’re not alone. And if you’ve heard whispers about GLP-1 medications for managing obesity and are curious, we’re here to chat about it. GLP-1 might sound like the latest droid from a galaxy far, far away, but it’s actually a type of medication that’s making waves in the world of weight management. Especially for those who have underlying health conditions that make the journey extra challenging. But here’s the scoop - this isn’t about finding a magic pill. It’s about exploring all your options in partnership with a trusted doctor who knows your health history and goals. To our friends thriving on salads, smoothies, and sweat sessions, we salute you. You’re absolutely smashing it! And to those who’ve found peace and joy in embracing their bodies as they are, you’re glowing, and we love it. Your happiness and health, in whatever form that takes, is what truly matters at the end of the day. Remember, the journey to wellness isn’t one-size-fits-all. Whether it’s GLP-1, a morning jog, or dancing in the kitchen while cooking a healthy meal, what’s important is finding what works for YOU. There’s no room for shame here, only encouragement and support. So, if you’re curious about GLP-1 or any other options out there, let’s make a pact to keep an open dialogue with healthcare professionals. They’re the co-pilots on your journey to wellness, ready to help navigate and tailor the ride to suit your needs. Here’s to making informed choices, embracing our journeys, and supporting each other every step of the way. You’ve got this, and we’re all cheering you on! 🎉 Remember, everyone’s path is unique, and it’s all about finding what helps you feel your best.
Hey there! 🌟 First off, hats off to you for navigating the world of health and wellness! It’s no small feat, especially when you’re juggling everything else life throws your way. Now, if you’re someone who’s been round and round the diet and exercise carousel without seeing the results you’re hoping for, know that you’re not alone. And if you’ve heard whispers about GLP-1 medications for managing obesity and are curious, we’re here to chat about it. GLP-1 might sound like the latest droid from a galaxy far, far away, but it’s actually a type of medication that’s making waves in the world of weight management. Especially for those who have underlying health conditions that make the journey extra challenging. But here’s the scoop - this isn’t about finding a magic pill. It’s about exploring all your options in partnership with a trusted doctor who knows your health history and goals. To our friends thriving on salads, smoothies, and sweat sessions, we salute you. You’re absolutely smashing it! And to those who’ve found peace and joy in embracing their bodies as they are, you’re glowing, and we love it. Your happiness and health, in whatever form that takes, is what truly matters at the end of the day. Remember, the journey to wellness isn’t one-size-fits-all. Whether it’s GLP-1, a morning jog, or dancing in the kitchen while cooking a healthy meal, what’s important is finding what works for YOU. There’s no room for shame here, only encouragement and support. So, if you’re curious about GLP-1 or any other options out there, let’s make a pact to keep an open dialogue with healthcare professionals. They’re the co-pilots on your journey to wellness, ready to help navigate and tailor the ride to suit your needs. Here’s to making informed choices, embracing our journeys, and supporting each other every step of the way. You’ve got this, and we’re all cheering you on! 🎉 Remember, everyone’s path is unique, and it’s all about finding what helps you feel your best.
