@erinmcgoff: Yeahhhh, so I definitely gave up some $$$ in paid sponsorships from tax filing companies for this post…. but ya know, I’m always going to keep it real with you. I’m not calling out by companies by name… but this is one rabbit hole you might want to dive down 👀 In many other countries, filing your taxes can be as easy as mailing a letter (shoutout to Japan where apparently you can file your taxes at a konbini aka their convenience stores!). 📩 But in the U.S., it’s the Wild Wild West. 🤠 NOW, now, now — this isn’t all bad. Because our taxes are more complicated, people are able to add deductions to their taxes (you know, things like kids, donating to charity, etc.) lowering how much they have to pay. And, in many instances, many Americans get returns from filing their taxes (aka, you get some money back!) 💸 At the same time — it’s downright silly that the government doesn’t A.) tell us how much we owe & makes us hire third party companies to guess and B.) have a free online portal where *everyone* can easily file their basic taxes 💻 But things are a-changin’! This year the IRS is piloting a Direct File Program that will make it easier for the average American to file their taxes for free (google “IRS direct file eligibility” to see if you apply!) Go to IRS.gov/freefile to learn more. & if you made more than $79k in 2023, I recommend FreeTaxUSA. Get some snacks, a fun lil drink, put on some music, and have a lil tax filing date with yourself. 🍷 Then, go vote + support human beings who are trying to make a difference for the average American so our kids don’t have to do this lol You got this! 👏 #howto #TikTokTaughtMe #edutok #filetaxes #taxseason #taxes #LifeAdvice #LifeHack #careeradvice #careertiktok #moneytips #money #moneytiktok #personalfinance
Region: US
Sunday 10 March 2024 15:02:06 GMT
AdviceWithErin✨ :
✨My advice? Make it FUN! Invite a friend over, get some snacks, a fun lil drink, put on some music, light a candle and have a date night with your finances/taxes 🍷
2024-03-10 15:25:13
Bob Grubbs 🍪 :
Yupp I used one of those services years ago, ended up getting up charged, and a few months ago (?) I received a small settlement check!
2024-03-10 21:32:07
ChaoticGremlin :
where were u two days ago
2024-03-10 20:35:18
maybemywish :
TurboTax is such a racket. They wanted to charge us $60 to file a single form for something we were NOT claiming. Yeah no. I paper filed this year!
2024-03-10 15:53:56
AshLee :
why am I seeing this literally the morning after I spent a $134 to file mine last night! ughh saving this for next yr.
2024-03-10 17:45:59
sara :
Guess I’ll do that next year!
2024-03-10 15:28:37
M :
I don’t understand why there’s an income limit? They already have the website. it’s not additional work for someone making $80,000??
2024-03-10 17:32:08
Vane Sama :
wait but I actually filed for free in Turbo Tax... am I gonna get charged eventually or what?
2024-03-10 19:01:14
Maine In Montana :
Yeah turbotax charged me for years just because I have a 401k
2024-03-10 15:58:50
Lexy :
my old job still hasn't given me my w2 and I've asked a few times idk what to do🥲
2024-03-10 17:08:38
Nikki Zieche :
I tried doing that before I did TurboTax and once I filled out all the info for it, the website told me something to the extent of it was “full” but I could have it notify me when it was available
2024-03-10 15:17:34
AuthenticallyAwkwardAshley :
I used the irs website and it was actually very straight forward and i got money back✨
2024-03-10 23:23:45
Autumn :
Does FreeTaxUSA work for more complex returns? Investments and crypto?
2024-03-10 22:56:27
Italian Dragon 🐉 :
Cash app. Been using for years. Free fed and state filing. Not as handholding but it works well and has accuracy guarantee etc.
2024-03-12 17:57:45
Mah Moon :
It doesn’t support itemized deduction-IRS direct file
2024-03-11 00:49:53
Kim Speaks Piggie :
I've used Free tax USA for two years and before that I payed turbo tax - everything was exactly the same, never paying again!
2024-03-10 23:46:48
Mairim :
I just go to h&r and have them do it. I rather pay them out of my tax refund. spend 30 mins of my time and make sure nothing gets done wrong. I'm stressed enough I don't need any more😅
2024-03-10 17:38:41
Zoë :
Which is better if you have a 1098 and 1099?
2024-03-10 16:58:47
EG :
Thanks for posting thus! Im sure this will help tons of people save on doing their taxes this year! 🤑
2024-03-10 15:41:34
sidneyraz :
this is WILD and so helpful for single people
2024-03-11 13:32:57
Lola :
Can we talk about how we got almost nothing back because the W4 allegedly changed and now it’s so hard to update them because our employers don’t even understand.
2024-03-10 23:56:25
Morgan :
Yyeeess! Mine was so easy and I loved how fast I got my refund back :)
2024-03-10 21:07:35
Lizzy :
well good to know for next year I filed like first week of February. 😅
2024-03-10 16:05:31
Casey ❤️ :
What if you have taxes from multiple states?
2024-03-11 22:10:20
RebeccaStrawberry :
What's your opinion on Turbo Tax? I haven't been charged by them, but now I'm worried
2024-03-11 21:14:47
Amanda Jackson :
thank you so much!! I've lowkey been dreading filing my taxes this year because I have so many forms 🙃
2024-03-11 15:09:58
Rachel 🥳🥳 :
Yeah. Tried that. My taxes were too complicated. Even though they said I could do it with them 🤣 soooo
2024-03-11 01:53:55
Ash Steele :
I did turbo tax an everything was fine. U gotta hunt for the true free part
2024-03-10 22:34:50
Manolo Cázares :
Erin, do you know if there's such platforms for non residents? Thank youuuu
2024-03-23 22:41:27
Alxamei :
Cash App Taxes is free for both federal and state and works for the majority of tax situations! Like actually free! Highly recommend!
2024-03-19 12:11:06
May :
What about 1099?
2024-03-19 07:20:53
kelseyg6 :
is it free if filing jointly? and is it 79k per person or jointly?
2024-03-19 04:31:44
Tux :
i used free tax usa and my parents used turbotax, i told them why they shouldn’t but they didn’t care lol
2024-03-16 15:11:53
tay :
2024-03-14 05:34:03
katemaryd :
I hired a tax guy for the first time this year and the peace of mind alone is worth the cost.
2024-03-13 20:14:15
Kaylie🌸✨ :
Probably my fave tiktoker
2024-03-13 17:23:27
Hanna Elkotni :
I’m only getting 3 dollars back so sad
2024-03-12 02:13:03
Alex R. Elliot :
Actually H and R block was awesome!! Got em within two weeks, did it within an hour, and didn’t owe anythin
2024-03-11 22:40:38
Luna :
can you explain the direct file a little more
2024-03-11 22:01:54
Vmprman :
Thank you, I’ve been terrified to file this year. Been hearing some real horror stories
2024-03-11 20:40:42
Dani Dawn :
Thanks! Gonna save next year!
2024-03-11 19:57:09
Riya :
thank you for this! I've been in that situation too many times and just paid the fees to get it done
2024-03-11 19:01:15
Shirley | 2hr Digital Wealth :
Wow! Thanks for sharing 💖
2024-03-11 18:48:16
Evan :
FreeTaxUSA 🔛🔝
2024-03-11 17:24:08
Cyb1992 :
Made the switch this year away from turbo & paid only $15.99 😜
2024-03-11 14:16:40
Miche :
Other thing if you do pay TT, pay upfront. Building the fee out of your refund raises it another $45 or so
2024-03-11 13:15:25
WhimsicalErin :
💃 YEEEEES. please keep spreading the word! We use Freetaxusa.com and have for years. Don’t. Use. TurboTax.
2024-03-11 11:38:46
A_marie :
I used free tax USA this year! I had a great experience 😌
2024-03-11 10:14:43
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