@our.big.backyard: Congaree National Park is the largest old bottomland hardwood forest in the Southeastern US and is home to an incredibly diverse ecosystem. • Congaree is one of the smaller national parks at just under 42 square miles but what it lacks in size it makes up for in adventures and we just can’t wait for more! • What’s the weather like where you’re at? Did you get outside this past weekend? • Follow @our.big.backyard for fun facts, itineraries, and family adventure inspiration • • • • • #southcarolinaliving #nationalparkusa #discoversc #visitsc #onlyinsc #localadventures #exploreyourstate #findyourepic #goexplorewander #littleadventuredays #explorenewplaces #peoplewhoadventure #adventurelovers #onlyinsouthcarolina #congaree #congareenationalpark #exploretogether #naturekids #alwaysexploring #happyoutdoors #naturesplayground #familyexplorers #liveyouradventure #natureistherapy #lovelifeoutside #simplyadventure #microadventure #goexplorewander #takemoreadventures