@ebbymoyer: Replying to @kaconlikebacon I realize this wasnt the most informative but i wanted to start with recognition of the struggle we face around this issue. The US has relatively low breastfeeding rates/ages compared to much of the world and is quite notoriously poor at supporting mothers during pregnancy and postpartum and having some of the worst outcomes for moms & babies in developed nations as a result. I think the two are intrinsically related, and thus formula gets pushed pretty hard as a best option because for so many it ends up being the only option. While I’m so thankful it exists and countless healthy happy babies are raised on it, I don’t think the benefits of breastfeeding need to be downplayed in order to encourage formula. I think mothers deserve to know all the information regardless of their circumstances and it does a disservice to our intelligence when we are not thoroughly informed because of an assumption that we will be unable to breastfeed. I’d be so happy to share more on how to set yourself up for breastfeeding success, nutrition, my story of nursing with a NICU baby etc!