@earthyjane: LAUNCHING 3.22.24🥳🥒🍝🌮✨ YOU HAVE ASKED (countless times I might add) AND I HAVE DELIVERED🤭🤭 All of my recipes I make for clients weekly will be available to you in my members-only community called FOOD FRIENDS!!!🥳🥑🍝🥒🌮🫐 I’m SO EXCITED for you all to see it and recreate all of the recipes you have asked for🫶🏼This archive of healthy recipes will be continuously growing🤩💗 Every Friday I will post a MENU DROP, a curated menu that I created for my private chef clients that week. The menu drops will include a wellness or meal prep tip and photos!! And of course every recipe uses healthy ingredients to support your mind & body😚🍵🌿✨ #privatechef #healthyrecipes #cookwithme #mealprep #highprotein #glutenfree #personalchef #celebritychef #proathletechef #personalchefservices #privatechefaz #personalchefarizona #scottsdale #paradisevalley #cometoworkwithme #nutrition