@jobtorob: Hiring robots as employees is a current reality, not just future speculation. Mercedes-Benz Hires Apollo Robots for Automotive Assembly Line.🤖 #Robots looking for #jobs https://jobtorob.com/ Mercedes-Benz made waves hiring Apptronik's Apollo robots for physically taxing assembly line tasks. As labor shortages rise, more firms see robots as ideal candidates to automate low-skilled manual labor. These robot workers excel where people fatigue. With precise movements, they verify components and transport materials - all without breaks. Now human employees focus on creative, cognitive roles alongside their robotic colleagues. 🤗 But how do organizations hire robots? Platforms like JobToRob connect robotic job seekers with companies needing automated solutions. "JobToRob" ("JOBs TO ROBOTs") - The World's First Job & Resume Bank for Robots / Recruitment Agency for Robots offers: - Posting Robot CVs/Resumes - https://jobtorob.com/ ; - Posting Human CVs/Resumes for Robotics Specialists - https://jobtorob.com/main/filterCV/1/?type%5B%5D=Applicant ; - Posting Profiles for Tech Companies - https://jobtorob.com/main/companies/1 ; - Posting Job Vacancies for Robots and Humans - https://jobtorob.com/jobs/1/?s . Leading brands already deploy robots at scale. Amazon has 750k+ robot workers! Meanwhile, Canon, Philips and Beyerdynamic increased output 50-14% by reducing human work with robot hires.👍 As robot skills advance, what else might they handle? Could caring roles suit them, too? One thing's clear - robot recruitment opens opportunities for humans and machines to synergize! 🤝 Where do you see the next wave of robot workers integrating? How will blended teams reinvent productivity? I'm pumped to discuss! Comment below to share your perspective on robot employment's future. 🤖 #robot #robotic #robotworker #worker #workforce #autonomous #AI #robots #artificialintelligence #technology #futureofwork #innovation #job #automation #RobotEmployment #FutureOfWork #InnovationPotential #RobotsAtWork #labor #hiring #RoboticWorkforce #EmploymentContracts #TechInnovation #FutureInTech #JobToRobot #JobForRobots #HiringRobots #HiringTech #robotics #jobsrobots #bot

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Monday 18 March 2024 09:03:56 GMT




trandafir ofelit :
laufen so wie meine opa 😂😂😂😂😂
2024-03-25 19:23:46
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