@autogefuehl: 💡REVEAL: The first-ever Audi Q6 e-tron with crystal light show and cascading turning indicators.⚡️The Audi Q6 e-tron defines the future of Audi and Porsche: The PPE platform (Premium Platform Electric) builds the base of every new Audi and Porsche EV which is bigger than compact class. The Q6 etron is 4,77 m or 188“ long and sits between Q4 etron and Q8 etron. Here you see it in Plasma Blue and 21“ wheels. There will be a 95 kWh net or 80 kWh net battery as well as RWD entry and AWD versions. #audi #audilove #audifans #audigram #Audietron #audiquattro #audiq6 #audiq6etron #carsofinstagram #electricvehicles #electricvehicle #cartech #cartechnology