@cooking.con.claudia: #ad If you love fruit like myself then you must try these BIÓNICOS, this fruit bowl will for sure make your day even brighter, it’s super easy to prepare and delicious to enjoy with the creaminess and sweetness of La Lechera! Ingredients: 10 cups of fresh fruit (papaya, cantaloupe, apples, strawberries, kiwi, banana) 1/2 can of La Lechera Sweetened Condensed Milk 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt 1/2 cup media crema 1 tsp Mexican vanilla extract 1 serving of love 💕 #nestlelalechera #bionicos #bionicosdefruta #breakfastbowl #mexicanrecipes #easydessert #fruitbowls #mexicantreat #EasyRecipe #recetasfaciles #postrefacil