@bridget_flynnn: Spent years hating my curls, just needed to find a routine that works 🤍 Let me know in the comments if there are any frizz control, curly hair products that you love! I’m always down to try a new product 🤗 Products I used: ▫️ Microfiber towel- @hikota-hair ▫️ Leave-In Conditioner - @t@the OUAI▫️ Frizz Control Scultp Gel - @N@Not Your Mother’s▫️ Hair Oil - @O@Ogx Haircare Enjoy some bouncy curls!🖤 #c#curlyhairtutorialc#curlyhairroutinec#curlygirlc#curlyhaircheckc#curlyhairtipsh#haircareh#hairproductsc#curlyhairproductsh#hairtutorialt#tutorial