@ivo_zinee: Pinca / sirnica i Čola! Recept u opisu! RECEPT SASTOJCI: * 500 g brašna * 2 žličice soli * 40 g svježeg kvasca (ili 14g suhog) * 100 ml mlakog mlijeka * 2 jaja + 2 žumanjca (+1 jaje za premaz) * 80g šećera * 2 vanili šećera * fino naribana korica 2 limuna * fino naribana korica 1 naranče * 2 žlice ružine vodice * 1 čep prošeka * 2 čepa Maraskinog Maraschina * 70 g maslaca sobne temperature * 50 g ulja neutralnog ulja POSTUPAK: Kvasac aktivirati u mlakom mlijeku sa žličicom šećera i žlicom brašna (odvojiti od ukupne količine). Ostaviti 10ak minuta. Kvasac dodati u brašno te dodati sve preostale sastojke odjednom osim maslaca i ulja. (Paziti da sve bude sobne temperature.) Dobro umijesiti u jednoličnu smjesu, a potom postepeno dodavati maslac i ulje da se sjedini. Nakon 10 minuta miješenja u mikseru, kada ste dobili tijesto koje se drži za miješalicu, oblikujte ga u kuglu i stavite u posudu da se diže dok se ne udupla (u pećnici s upaljenim svjetlom ili negdje na toplom, otprilike sat i pol). Tijesto izvaditi na radnu površinu, premijesiti, oblikovati 3 lopte, staviti ih na pek papir, premazati uljem, prekriti prozirnom folijom i ostaviti još sat vremena da se dižu. Zatim ih premazati jajem i zarezati škarama u križ ili na 3 strane. Posuti smrvljenim kockama šećera i peći u pećnicu zagrijanoj 160 stupnjeva, 25 minuta ili dok ne uhvate lijepu boju, a čačkalica nije u potpunosti čista. Služiti najbolje toplo, uz čašicu hladnog Maraschina! #pinca #sirnica #sweetbread #easter #uskrs #recepti #Recipe #balkan #balkantiktok #dijaspora #berlin #zdravkocolic #sevdah #bosna #hrvatska #pinze

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Region: DE
Monday 25 March 2024 09:13:22 GMT




yayo :
Nasa Nara Smith❤️
2024-03-25 14:29:27
Adnan76999 :
Dragi Ivo,svaka ti čast...Lepi,vredni momce👍
2024-03-25 09:31:13
Ivan V Popovic :
Bravo ❤️
2024-05-13 16:12:24
Balkan Angel :
Ma Bravo momak,svaka cast😋👍
2024-04-18 18:21:52
:) :
Unglaublich gut 👍🏻
2024-03-25 09:59:37
Diane MartEspi :
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 GRACIAS
2024-05-04 04:48:19
Sound_ :
2024-03-25 09:14:15
neda :
2024-03-25 23:01:13
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christmas peace 1914 🥰 🇮🇩: Gencatan Senjata Natal adalah peristiwa gencatan senjata tidak resmi yang terjadi selama Perang Dunia I pada malam Natal dan Hari Natal tahun 1914. Peristiwa ini terjadi di sepanjang Front Barat, ketika pasukan dari pihak Sekutu (terutama Britania Raya dan Prancis) dan pasukan Jerman menghentikan pertempuran untuk sementara waktu dan merayakan Natal bersama di zona netral antara parit-parit mereka. Gencatan senjata ini dikenal sebagai salah satu momen kemanusiaan paling menonjol dalam sejarah perang modern.   Awal Gencatan Senjata sunting Gencatan senjata dimulai secara spontan di berbagai sektor Front Barat. Pada malam 24 Desember 1914, pasukan Jerman mulai menghias parit mereka dengan lilin dan pohon Natal. Mereka juga menyanyikan lagu-lagu Natal, seperti Stille Nacht (Malam Kudus), yang kemudian dijawab oleh pasukan Britania dengan lagu-lagu Natal mereka sendiri. Di beberapa tempat, tentara Jerman meneriakkan ajakan untuk tidak menembak, yang kemudian direspons oleh tentara Sekutu dengan cara yang sama. 🇬🇧: The Christmas Truce was an unofficial ceasefire event that occurred during World War I on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in 1914. This event occurred along the Western Front, when Allied troops (mainly Great Britain and France) and German troops stopped fighting to for a while and celebrate Christmas together in the neutral zone between their trenches. This ceasefire is known as one of the most prominent humanitarian moments in the history of modern warfare. Beginning of the Armistice edit Ceasefires began spontaneously in various sectors of the Western Front. On the evening of December 24, 1914, German troops began decorating their trenches with candles and Christmas trees. They also sang Christmas carols, such as Stille Nacht (Holy Night), to which the British troops answered with their own carols. In several places, German soldiers shouted calls not to shoot, to which Allied soldiers responded in the same way. #history #historytime #historyedit #historycreator #kahaahistory #christmas #2024
christmas peace 1914 🥰 🇮🇩: Gencatan Senjata Natal adalah peristiwa gencatan senjata tidak resmi yang terjadi selama Perang Dunia I pada malam Natal dan Hari Natal tahun 1914. Peristiwa ini terjadi di sepanjang Front Barat, ketika pasukan dari pihak Sekutu (terutama Britania Raya dan Prancis) dan pasukan Jerman menghentikan pertempuran untuk sementara waktu dan merayakan Natal bersama di zona netral antara parit-parit mereka. Gencatan senjata ini dikenal sebagai salah satu momen kemanusiaan paling menonjol dalam sejarah perang modern. Awal Gencatan Senjata sunting Gencatan senjata dimulai secara spontan di berbagai sektor Front Barat. Pada malam 24 Desember 1914, pasukan Jerman mulai menghias parit mereka dengan lilin dan pohon Natal. Mereka juga menyanyikan lagu-lagu Natal, seperti Stille Nacht (Malam Kudus), yang kemudian dijawab oleh pasukan Britania dengan lagu-lagu Natal mereka sendiri. Di beberapa tempat, tentara Jerman meneriakkan ajakan untuk tidak menembak, yang kemudian direspons oleh tentara Sekutu dengan cara yang sama. 🇬🇧: The Christmas Truce was an unofficial ceasefire event that occurred during World War I on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in 1914. This event occurred along the Western Front, when Allied troops (mainly Great Britain and France) and German troops stopped fighting to for a while and celebrate Christmas together in the neutral zone between their trenches. This ceasefire is known as one of the most prominent humanitarian moments in the history of modern warfare. Beginning of the Armistice edit Ceasefires began spontaneously in various sectors of the Western Front. On the evening of December 24, 1914, German troops began decorating their trenches with candles and Christmas trees. They also sang Christmas carols, such as Stille Nacht (Holy Night), to which the British troops answered with their own carols. In several places, German soldiers shouted calls not to shoot, to which Allied soldiers responded in the same way. #history #historytime #historyedit #historycreator #kahaahistory #christmas #2024
