@aqousuahh: 📍DOWNTOWN GAINESVILLE ☕️ Quick coffee run at Wyatt’s Coffee before my flight. Tried the Rose Cardamom Latte for the first time – a delightful blend of cardamom, rose water, garnished with rose petals, and I absolutely loved it! Can’t get enough of the @residentcoffeeco beans Wyatt’s Coffee uses. Truly exceptional stuff. 📍 Wyatt’s Coffee @wyattscoffee ☕️ Rose Cardamom Latte: Cardamom, rose water, garnished with rose petals. #hungryaf #floridafoodie #floridafood #floridarestaurants #thingstodoinflorida #gainesvillerestaurants #sonyalpha #sonycreativespace #sonykandotrip #adobelivefam #premierepro #sonycameracamp