@trashyypandareads: The #TransRightsReadathon is well under way and these are some of the hopefuls on my tbr! Knowing myself I won’t get to all of them by the time the readathon is over but we read trans stories all year long around here! 📚 Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa 📚 The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas 📚 Pet by Akwaeke Emezi 📚 All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson 📚 Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith 📚 Heart, Haunt, Havoc by Freydis Moon
#TRR24 #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransRights #TransStories #ReadTransStories #TransAuthors #TransBooks #MostArdently #GabeColeNovoa #TheSunbearerTrials #AidenThomas #Pet #AkwaekeEmezi #AllBoysArentBlue #GeorgeMJohnson #SirCallieAndTheChampionsOfHelston #EsmeSymesSmith #HeartHauntHavoc #FreydisMoon