@rabbi_shais_taub: There are two minds of people you’ll likely meet in your life: We have the highly empathic person who understands what you’re feeling, but cannot communicate that. We have the person who is incapabale of feeling what you’re feeling but he knows how to give the micro impression that makes you feel totally heard. Learn about these two different characters you’re going to meet in your life. #empath #narcissist #neurodivergent @Rabbi Shais Taub
Guy number two just repeats what you say back to you so you feel seen. The first speaks truthfully no cap which makes you feel uncomfortable.
2024-03-28 05:43:44
Samantha Hutton :
Empath VS Sociopath
2024-04-07 18:53:36
jadextianna :
i believe both of these can coexist in one human
2024-04-08 20:15:32
GoddessKreseda :
Yes indeed! I’m the Empathic/Autistic that is always around the Self Absorbed/Narcissistic Personality. Whew!! The CLARITY💥💥
2024-03-27 11:52:44
iam8jose :
Key word feel. We are vibrational beings. Stay healthy people.
2024-03-28 02:08:07
user3386086913080 :
I wonder if someone can naturally be #1 but over time & trauma become #2 as a defense mechanism?
2024-04-07 14:24:39
Kade Mekai :
this only makes sense. the one offers solutions the other offers comfort. most people don't want correction/support. the want to be enabled🤷🏻♂️
2024-04-01 12:07:47
Philip :
I add: The Aut need to be alone but want to share happyness with others. The Narc need to be with others but only to serve themselves.
2024-04-01 17:48:04
jennia730 :
This makes so much sense 😭 I can feel it all but I can’t articulate it ever
2024-04-08 21:59:23
CutieJas :
I am the first one and it is very frustrating because we are also very often misunderstood
2024-04-09 08:04:27
lhawthorn :
so neurodivergent VS neurotypical?
2024-04-08 15:56:36
Maysonator46290 :
I'm guy number 1, I'm terrible at comforting people but I feel so much
2024-04-08 16:51:08
Butch Reedy :
My ex who ruined my life was the top of the narcissistic chart , he’s got it down
2024-05-09 11:56:39
Kate :
I find these two archetypes to be classified as the solution and the comfort. The solution, who knows your feelings, is often “hard to deal with” because they tell you how to fix your problem.
2024-04-13 19:05:05
user91341943496022 :
What's the fix to this deficit of communication vs understanding? I'm the empath and wondering what I could do to be more successful with connection? SO relatable!!!
2024-04-22 14:28:02
Theta Mind :
if they communicate everything your feeling, it would freak you out🤣
2024-04-07 20:12:49
J.Lewinsky :
how would we define someone who has cognitive empathy, doesn’t feel what ur feeling and makes u feel validated but DOESNT use that to manipulate ppl ?
2024-04-10 13:27:31
where_the_aliens_at :
Narcs and codependent
2024-03-28 02:30:39
Jake Walls :
What’s happens when an empath stops being the antenna for other people and uses it as a tool to never be hurt?
2024-04-15 02:38:33
Meg :
I’m number one attached myself to number two. The end of this video is so 💯 I wanted to cry. They know how to pull the strings to hurt you and he feels nothing
2024-03-27 02:32:55
Sarah Davis :
In an emotional magnet and a narcissist magnet… should I get tested? My brother says I’m on the spectrum, but I think I have ptsd….
2024-05-16 00:58:15
ValueBreaks :
When the empath learns to control their energy and become enlightened by narcissistic ways - then you one one very dangerous individual ✨
2024-05-08 02:31:22
anthony Langford :
I'm the first one but it's funny I tend to be friends with all the guys who are the second one
2024-03-30 01:32:37
Rachel Y :
That's a great breakdown I'm the first one, I can't get the words to just come out of mg mouth I know how they feel tho
2024-03-27 04:57:06
Casey Greenan :
I feel alone like that I'm a different species that is spot on I'm convinced I'm working like being here on earth is my job and everyone is difficult so difficult
2024-06-04 07:57:02
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