@zazaworksout: SATURDAY RESET 🧼 Finally got some time and the mental space to do some deep cleaning. I don’t have an ✨aesthetic✨ home and I do put off some to-dos for “tomorrow” or for the weekend. I’m only human, friends 🙃 My husband took care of our room and the store. And yes, while we were cleaning, I let bubs watch TV 🤗 Here’s a reminder that cleaning up the house goes into your NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). Don’t feel guilty if you don’t have the energy to exercise after hours of cleaning. This is part of physical activity + puasa pula kan! Take a breather ok. My favorite part today was finding my old fridge magnets and making space for them on the fridge 🥰 Selamat Berbuka soon 🫶🏼