@your.wealthbff: Want to know the SECRET solution? You should know that climbing the corporate ladder is not the only way to end your worries about money. In fact, I know a way that’s faster, more fun and easier! If you have a phone/laptop + wifi and some spare time you could start a side hustle that has the potential to replace your corporate job. I’ll give you 3 examples:  But first 🔖 make sure you save this for later! 1.UGC You create content (videos and photos) which others can buy from you. Although it sounds very niche, it can be difficult to make enough money to quit your 9-5. 2.Dropshipping You sell products from other people. Say for example you sell a phone case for $10 on Amazon. The actual price of the case is $4. Whenever you make a sale, you earn $6 and the actual owner earns $4. The benefit of dropshipping is that you don’t own the product. The actual owner takes care of the shipping. 3.Digital marketing/affiliate marketing. MY FAVORITE. Digital Marketing is a BILLION dollar industry with an average annual salary of $177/year (just google it if you don’t believe me). Digital marketing is also called affiliate marketing and it’s a relationship between an affiliate (you) and a company. The affiliate promotes the product of the company and in return receives a commission for every customer she brings to the company. Digital marketing is easier than UCG and dropshipping because it doesn’t require you to create your own product, buy an inventory, bore yourself with shipping, payment or customer service. The only thing you focus on is the MARKETING. I’ve created a FREE beginners guide about digital marketing with my personal strategy (you can steal it) and the 7 exact steps I followed to get started. 💬 Follow me and drop a “YES” if you want to receive my FREE beginners guide, or grab it immediately at the top of my page! 👉🏻 Share this with a friend ❤️FOLLOW FOR MORE @your.wealthbff to make enough money from home to end your financial worries and quit your 9-5.

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Sunday 31 March 2024 19:22:20 GMT




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