@socomathlete: Green Berets and Army Rangers evaluating SOCOM Athlete students in pull-ups during the Hell Day Jacksonville event’s Fitness Test. The Fitness Test includes a 1.5 mile run evaluation, max reps in pull-ups, sit-ups (2 minute max), and push-ups (2 minute max), followed by a 500/250 yard swim evaluation. The military standard of acceptable calisthenic form is strictly enforced at all times. If the form does not meet the standard, the repetition does not count. #armyspecialforces #specialforces #nationalguard #socomathlete #helldayevent #specialforceschallenge #specialops #specialoperations #pullups #pullup #workout #Fitness #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #backdayworkout #biceps #army #rotc #jrotc #cadet #airborne #bootcamp #basictraining #armyranger #armyrangers #75thrangerregiment #rltw #warrior #armynationalguard #armyreserve #20thspecialforcesgroup #19thspecialforcesgroup #hellday