@facelesswithk: This changed everything for me… It’s not just about HOW you market your digital products, it’s also about WHERE you choose to market them. My secret weapon? Pinterest! Pinterest is unlike any other social media platform. With Instagram or TikTok the shelf life of your content is extremely short, but with Pinterest your content will still be shown years down the line and continue to make you passive income! You set yourself up to be shown to people for MONTHS and even YEARS down the line… what does this mean for you? A piece of content that you post TODAY will be shown as fresh content to someone months down the line which leads to consistent sales and passive income for YOU! Comment “pin” if you would like my FREE Pinterest guide! #pinterestmarketing #pinterestaesthetic #pinterestgirl #passiveincomeideas #digitalproductsforbeginners #passiveincomelifestyle #entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #contentideas #startabusiness #passiondrivenbusiness