@wonderfacefit: Ladies! Face fitness works wonders, and my face is the best example! Check out this video for a before and after comparison - I was amazed when I saw it. Dealing with eye bags is the most challenging part, as it's not just about reducing a small 'fat island' under your eyes. You need to target the entire muscle system and lift the thin layer of muscles (which is tough) to make your eye bags less noticeable. For me, achieving this is like transforming a flat butt into a JLo-worthy booty hahaha Do not wait to start, your aging is not waiting for the best moment ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #facefitness #facegymtraining #stopaging #facefitness #facegymtraining #stopaging #noinjections #nobotox #beautifulface #howtogetyounger #lookyounger #stopbotox #lipsexersice #howtogetyounger #doublechin #darkcircles #howtogetbiglips #faceyoga #facefitnessberlin #lookiconic #looklikefilm #saggingcheek #liftedfacecontour #facecontour #facelifting #lowbudgetskincare #lowbudgetbeauty #skincare #beautifulskin #glowingface