u make yourself the victim ur a white man in a white nation. u don't even know suffering yet. grow up man . life is tough not suffering
2024-04-04 23:34:59
🇦🇺 Wolf 🐺 and Stone 🪨 :
Those boots must taste nice. 👅- temporary embarrassed millionaires (I have no patience)
2024-04-06 00:15:08
Gauntlit :
You can stop reading when you hear the word “AtriesofDevine” lol, what a ridiculous statement
2024-04-05 14:16:51
angiemallery :
This mindset will also tell you to make everything from scratch. Ignoring the fact that life as it is in America doesn’t allow for that much time spent. And I’m a stay at home mom! There was a 1
2024-04-05 02:06:48
Mindlessly Displaced 🇪🇸 🇪🇺 :
She's on that divine flight, see. And all of us "ordinary peasants" should be ashamed of wanting to eat tasty foods instead of bare necessities like bread and water 😅🫡
2024-04-04 23:20:43
Neil Shyminsky :
But have you tried NOT eating, Nathan? 🤔
2024-04-05 00:17:58
Squigglestorystudios2 :
you cant budget your way out of poverty, the farmers arnt getting the money, we throw out so much unbought food too, the whole system is a mess, we need to get french
2024-04-05 01:23:48
Clay :
you know the consumerism of buying more than eggs and bread.
2024-04-04 23:07:19
kn0ts :
my grocery bill went from around $200 to well over $400 per month. AFTER cutting soda, snacks, & pricier options. for just me alone. I found somewhere else, but not everyone has that option
2024-04-05 01:09:39
_contrapasta_ :
as someone who grew up poor would like to add... we like nice things too. why is it okay for middle class, rich people to want nice things but wrong for the lower class.
2024-04-05 16:40:17
Lil D :
It’s a superiority complex, based on the fact that they’re suffering by choice to save money
2024-04-05 05:15:47
Collin Poe :
Just saying, I’ve been living off of potatoes, rice, bread, tuna, and canned chicken for months now
2024-04-05 02:28:21
transcendantpassages :
hateful 🤣 I live in poverty bro
2024-04-04 23:11:36
Drift :
i think they mean stuff like filet mignon vs regular steak
2024-04-05 01:28:20
transcendantpassages :
ya follow me and watch my videos I'm not disagreeing with you at all sweetheart haha but argue away 🤣
2024-04-04 23:10:10
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