@thisistaylorvaughn: The chaotic vlogs are always more interesting to edit 😅 I was supposed to include this in the VO too but pleasee don’t let your surroundings or home dictate when you start. Yea my apartment is considered non aesthetic but if I wait until we buy a house or move to a larger space Id be missing out on documenting all these amazing moments. I would miss the opportunity to document growth & hopefully tell a story. Its not super pretty now but 5 years from now even 1 year from now I will appreciate these videos even more 🙌🏽 #nonastheticmom #nonasthetichome #momvloggers #momgrwmroutine #momvloggerlife #momcreator #momanddaughter #newbornclothes #toddlergirl #toddlerlife #MomsofTikTok #DinnerIdeas #familyvloggers #familyvlogging #momnightroutine