@seannalewanyj: Doesn’t have to be 12% on the dot… But for guys who want an impressively lean/aesthetic look while still functioning at their peak and maintaining a healthy amount of overall lifestyle freedom, that’s roughly the level that will be ideal for the majority. Don’t be fooled by fitness coaches and influencers who try to say that anyone can easily maintain sub 10% body fat year round if they just follow the right program. (AKA usually the program they’re selling) Not only will the vast majority be unable to do that without experiencing significant diet-related side effects that impair day to day functioning (excessive hunger/food focus, low energy, decreased mental functioning, poor libido etc.), but even sub 12% will be tough for most. Make no mistake… a *true* 12% body fat is actually quite lean and as a male will put you in the top 99th percentile in terms of body fat percentage. It only seems unimpressive when you’re spending all day scrolling through Instagram - a visual platform where leanness is king and where the top 99.999th percentile is constantly showing up in your feed. Credit: @Austin Dunham #Fitness #gym #workout #bodybuilding