@nobudgetbabe: You get to choose your hard. 1️⃣ Being in debt is hard. 2️⃣ Climbing out of debt so you don't miss out on opportunities feels hard. Choose your hard. 1️⃣ Not having savings is hard. 2️⃣ Learning how to build your bank account feels hard. Choose your hard. 1️⃣ Not knowing how money works is hard. 2️⃣ Increasing your financial literacy feels hard. Choose your hard. 1️⃣ Working until you die is hard. 2️⃣ Learning how to invest so you make money while you sleep feels hard. Choose your hard. No one is coming to save you. This is a harsh but beautiful realization, because it empowers you to take control of your own life and destiny. It encourages self-reliance and resilience, pushing you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals without waiting for permission from someone else. I counted on me, and I did the things that felt hard so I can have an easy life now. Ignoring the things that feel hard doesn't mean things get easier, it just means you've traded a few months of challenge for a lifetime of struggle. You CAN have something different, but you first have to decide you're willing to do the work to change. The time will pass anyways, might as well use it building your dream instead of regret. Learn how I went from $40k debt to a millionaire at 30. Link in bio to start 🤍