@ndochampofficial: Eating A sloppy Sandwich in the Gym is unacceptable!! Beef Builds muscles!! @musclemeds_carnivor anabolic BEEF PROTEIN is the best way to put on mass while building muscle. 50G PROTEIN HIGH IMPACT REACTIVE CARBS HYDROLYZED BEEF PROTEIN 0G SUGAR Don’t ever let me catch you guys eating sloppy, sandwich in the GYm #blenditup Beef Protein Isolate: Harness the muscle-building power of beef without any fat or cholesterol with 99% pure beef protein isolate. Hydrolyzed and highly concentrated in amino acids CARNIVOR BPI is a great lactose-free alternative to whey. This game-changing protein is 350% more concentrated in amino acids than steak and is clinically proven to build muscle. Each serving of CARNIVOR MASS provides 50 grams of beef protein isolate with 0 fat, 0 cholesterol and 0 lactose making it the ultimate protein source for athletes to support muscle building and recovery. @MuscleMeds