Have my 29 week appointment on Monday and nervous as hell as I feel like my bump hasn’t grown since she last measured it at 26 weeks 😣.. Also she’s scary 😂
2024-04-12 09:48:13
Jessica | FTM to Gray🧸 :
My baby is laid transverse feet first🫣 but they want to admit me to stay till here's here cos of it?
2024-04-12 16:04:13
Jadex :
My midwife said it’s perfectly normal to be either 2cm each way as everyone carry’s different, you don’t have to be exactly the same cm to how many weeks you are☺️
2024-04-12 14:22:45
Liss :
I’m ok sertraline too&havent been told about monitoring but now I’m intrigued!
2024-04-12 14:15:55
Jorgi | Motherhood ☁️ :
Oh the rib pain! I’ve suffered with that this week it’s horrible. I’m expecting to get my bump measured at my 28 week appointment xxx
2024-04-12 13:30:19
Abbie | Preemie Mum :
pasta and butter is elite 😂
2024-04-12 11:27:33
millie<3 :
i had my midwife appointment yesterday and i was 26+2 and measuring 30😀going for a growth scan today to make sure little girl is okey! little worried but hoping shes all good😅🩷
2024-04-12 11:17:26
Chelsie Simmons :
That makes sense about your rib pain thinking about it, if his limbs are in that direction! I get where your coming from though 😩Xx
2024-04-12 10:40:20
Ashima | Mama & Teacher ☀️🫶 :
I was measured from 19 weeks.
2024-04-12 22:53:34
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