@aspensuniverse: Replying to @🪐aspen || astrologer🪐 i had so much more to say lol; lilith is the archetype of the wild woman and is referred to as the "dark side of the moon." she is the voice that men in power wish to silence. lilith in your natal chart can show you an energy that you have not tapped into because of embarrassment, fear, or beliefs you've been conditioned to have to believe that embodying your lilith's qualities are "bad." this placement can be immensely helpful for accomplishing shadow work, feminine healing, and can help you reclaim your power from truh-mat-ick experiences. this placement can be where your greatest strength lies. the house that it falls into may show you the prominent themes that you may have to face fears around in order to awaken your power and the sign it is in can discuss the archetype that you may most favorably approach that work with. if you'd like to learn more about your lilith placement, you can book a reading with me through the l!nk in my b!0 💗 you can also subscribe to my newsletter over there. 💌 #lilith #feminineenergy #feminineembodiment #embodiment #spirituality #wombhealing #divinefeminine #kundaliniawakening #wildwoman #astrology #selfdevelopment #femininerage #femininearchetypes