@soulthrower: I am a world champion knife thrower and wanted to try a (for me) new trick shot. I have two friends that are struggling with health issues right now so to have two swinging rings are for you guys! The throw is really hard even from just about 2 meters (6.5 feet) like I did it. To get the freaking rings to not hit each other made me move fast. After 5-7 swings they usually collided… the throw was the easy part here. I send you guys determination and strength to fight thru it all! I am here any time you guys want to talk! ❤️❤️❤️ #worldchampion #knife #trickshot #nospin #throwingknife #knifethrower #soulthrower #pehart #ring #swinging #skills #lovelife #fight #heal #throwingarm #hard #struggle #knifethrowingcommunity #likeaboss #challengeaccepted #likeapro #professional #strokesurvivor #neverquit #keepthrowing #axethrower